Tuesday, July 8, 2008

CRM Technology

There are 3 types of CRM technologies – operational, analytical and collaborative
§ Operational CRM is the customer facing applications of CRM as SFA, EMA and front office suites.
§ The analytic segment included data marts or data warehouses that are used by applications that apply algorithms to dissect the data and present it in a form that is useful to the user.
§ The collaborative CRM reaches across customer touch points, all the different communication means that a customer might interact with, such as email, phone call, fax, website pages etc. it includes application such as PRM software.
Operational CRM is the “ERP-like” segment of CRM.
Business Functions like customer service, order management, invoice/billing, sales are all part of operational CRM.
One fact of operational CRM is the possibility of integrating with the HR functions and financial functions of ERP applications. With this integration, end-to-end functionality from lead management to order tracking can be implemented.
Analytical CRM is the capture, storage, extraction, processing, interpretation and reporting of customer data to a user.
Companies have developed applications that can capture the customer data from multiple sources and store it in a data warehouse and then use algorithms to interpret the data as needed.
The value of the application is not just in the algorithm and storage, but also in the ability to individually personalize the response using the data.
This is almost an overlay. It is the communication center, the coordination network, that provides paths to customer and his suppliers.
This could mean a portal, a partner relationship management application (PRM) or a customer interaction center (CIC).
This could be defined as any CRM function that provides a point of interaction between the customer and channel itself (web, email, voice applications, snail mail or any channel strategies)

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