Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Training time depends on the number of users and available facilities for training and the duration of the training period is about two to three days. There are four parts to training:
Basic training:
This is the plain training for users on the application.
This training is run by the vendor.
There are two ways to run this training, depending on which is the most cost effective.
You can either send users abroad or have a trainer come to your facility
Customization training:
This training is conducted by the now-trained employees who have been engaged in the project.
It is best done by the internal project team, because of their familiarity with the project.
One other plus with the internal staff taking the training is they have had the knowledge during the entire implementation process.
It is ordinarily built into the proposals, contracts, and statements of work that are basis for the implementation.
This is the vital part of the process.
The vendor has full responsibility to provide documentation on the customized system to see the use is assured.
Some companies will recruit the documentation experts in the organization.
Additional Training:
a. Train the trainer: Whoever you send of this course will be the one to train the users on your staff. This is a major time and money saver.
b. Integrator Course : This course teaches your IT staff how to make their own customizations to the other vendors who have such a course.

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