Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Requirements Gathering:

This phase takes about two to three days.
Meetings with the stakshoders, users, other corporate decision makers and IT staff takes place in this phase.
This phase requires that all the departments should cooperate, since the CRM implementation is going to affect the interaction of every appropriate department in the company.
Marketing, sales, finance, and so on all have direct need to input the teams during the requirements gathering phase.
Once the requirements for the front-office practices are gathered, the next step is the identification of the inputs and outputs.
This is the way the users will interact with the system.
The questions answered in this phase are:
Which screens will be needed to input data?
How will information be retrieved from the system?
How will the customer want to work with the system?
How many users most the system accommodate and how they will connect to it (LAN, remote offices, web)?
To make the requirements gathering go smoothly, it is important to obtain all information possible about the existing system.
To get the information, non disclosure agreements (NDA) and other necessary paperwork need to be signed during this phase.
NDA states that neither the implementation partner nor the customer will disclose each others information given during the course of the project to anyone outside.

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